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JQA Diary, volume 29 4 April 1816


Neal Millikan Court Life and Society (European)

4. VI: Wrote a short despatch to the Secretary of State, and after an early Breakfast went with Mrs Adams into London. After leaving her at Mrs King’s lodgings in Conduit Street I went immediately to my Office. Mr Hammelin, the Swede who had been recommended to me, by Baron Rehausen, came 带着他发给我的去美国的护照,我证明了——我收到了 at the Office Letters from Mr Fox, the Consul at Falmouth, and from Mr Edward Perkins, appointed by Mr Ingraham, Vice Consul at Bristol, who asks my advice in behalf of Captain Fales, Master of an 一艘美国船到达了那里,在一个相当微妙的问题上 I dressed, went again to Conduit Street, where I took up Mrs. Adams, and we went to the Queen’s Drawing-Room at Buckingham House. 报时是两点钟,正好在这个时候 客厅开始了——这次展示的形式不同 从大陆上的那些圈子里,和那些由英国人控制的圈子里 Prince Regent at the Levees— The Queen does not go round the Circle. She takes a stand, before a Sopha— 侍候客厅的人从隔壁的大厅里走了进来; 你们要上到她那里,挨次与她说话,然后过去 站在她右手边的公主和王子身上 他说了几句话,然后这个人就从另一扇门离开了, and goes down Stairs to go away. Privileged persons however, among whom 外交部长们在会议结束后是否可以留在会客室 所有的外国大使和部长都出席了, excepting Baron Jacobi. I spoke to Count Munster the Hanoverian Minister, about my old friend Bussche, and bore testimony to the Sentiments he had always avowed to me. He said he had already 采取了一些有利于Bussche的措施,但有报道称 血液循环对他很不利——尤其是他也曾经是 intimate with Mr Caulaincourt, and even to have served him as a 间谍——我告诉他,我确信布舍从来没有演戏,也永远不会演戏 他被他的处境置于一种状态 necessary intimacy with Mr Caulaincourt, but 他总是对我说起这件事,就像他曾经的处境一样 他是被迫接受的,而他自己却总是对此感到厌恶 感情和倾向——我提到过我已经谈到过这一点 Subject to Count St. Julien, while he was here with the Archdukes, and had entreated him if he should see Count Munster, to bear his testimony concerning Baron Bussche; and he had 他向我保证他会和我一样作证——伯爵 他提议来拜访我,与我进一步讨论这件事,但是 我对他说我住在城外,我要去拜访他 再一次对他说,给他更具体的陈述,以便他可以 desire— I spoke to Count Lieven, concerning my Letter of recall from the Court of 俄罗斯——他是在我最后通知他的时候说的 Summer that I had it, he had immediately written to take the Emperor’s orders concerning it— That Count Nesselrode, had 他回答说,最好等到皇帝回到St: Petersburg, to make the official 适当的安排,并向他转达 他收到我的信后,按惯例送给我的礼物, 他现在预计很快就会被授权这么做——我告诉他我 was sorry there had been any delay on that account. That by the 美国的宪法,他们的海外部长没有 我被允许接受来自外国君主的礼物 made this fully known to Count Romanzoff while I was in Russia, and when he was Chancellor; I regretted not having thought of it when I informed him last Summer that I had the Letter of Recall; but it was only because the 我根本没有想到,任何礼物的提议都是值得的 made.伯爵问我,我住的地方离城里是不是那么远 他可以不冒失地邀请我去他家,我也可以去 只回答我多么感激他——为了我最坚强的人之一 留在城外的原因,是为了逃离频繁的 邀请在很晚的时间,这消耗了这么多宝贵的时间,并与 无力归还的永远令人沮丧的意识 civility in the same manner. When the Drawing Room opened, the Corps Diplomatique, 422first entered it, and went up and paid their Respects to the Queen. Mrs Adams went with Princess Castel-Cicala, and Mrs: Bourke; the Ambassadors and Ministers afterwards succeeded, and Prince Esterhazy, presented his fatherMr Chester accompanied me, as it was my first presentation at 女王和我谈过之后,他把我介绍给大家 to the Princesses Elizabeth and Mary, to the Duke of Gloucester, and his Sister the Princess Sophia— The Queen 还有伊丽莎白公主和玛丽公主,你们有一个话题要和我谈谈 健康、气候和我在俄罗斯的住所——索菲亚公主 格洛斯特告诉我,她很高兴在这里再次见到一位美国部长, and she hoped we should long continue friends. I thanked her for the 希望,并说这是我的第一职责和第一站 我衷心希望促进两国之间的友谊 格洛斯特公爵说他很高兴能重新认识他 had made with me last Summer at Earl Grey’s— The Dukes of Kent and Sussex, also spoke to me; 后者来晚了,因为他说他认为应该拿他的 time. The Duke of Clarence was there, but I had not the opportunity of speaking to him. After passing through 所有的演讲我们都站着,看着别人一个接一个地过去 through theirs for about an hour. The Duke of Sussex and Lord Graves came up and conversed 和我的妻子,他们想起了他们的旧交 Berlin. 我们在三点到四点之间离开了客厅 left Mrs Adams at Mrs: King’s, and returned to Craven Street, where I changed my 衣着——以读波士顿报纸和上个星期天为乐 考官,直到七点钟,然后去和他一起吃饭 Earl of Westmorland in Grosvenor Square. The company was small; only thirteen persons, all Men, and of whom I was acquainted only with Mr Bourke, Count Beroldingen and the Under Secretary of State, Mr Hamilton— There was a Sir Charles Flower, who has been Lord Mayor of London, a Mr Lowther and his Son, and others whose names I could not catch. One Gentleman came from the House of Commons, where he had left them debating upon an insult suffered by Lord Milton and Lord Essex this Morning, as they were riding in an open Carriage in Pall-Mall. They were stopped by a Soldier, and not suffered to proceed. The Soldier struck the horses, 拿着他的佩刀,并威胁说,如果弥尔顿勋爵 这个成员离开时更喜欢吃晚餐 the debate— Lord Westmorland shewed Mr Bourke and Mr Hamilton as Connoisseurs three 有人要他买一些旧画,而那些旧画 Gentlemen assured him were not worth half a crown a piece. Yet one of them was professed by a sketch by Rubens— The meeting of Jacob and Esau. The dinner 聚会很愉快——现在他们谈到了一个法国演员剧团 他们中的一些人今晚要去这里表演 certain Subscription Balls, at seven shillings a head; under the direction of Lady Castlereagh, 和其他有地位的人——被挑选到最后的等级,我也是这样 告诉我们只要向卡斯尔雷夫人申请就可以被录取-我离开了勋爵 Westmorland’s shortly after ten O’Clock, and went for Mrs Adams to Mrs King’s where she had dined. Found there Mr John and Mr Henry White, who have 我刚从法国和荷兰回来 Midnight.