亚当斯,阿比盖尔 约翰亚当斯,
Abigail 史密斯 to John Adams
先生 韦茅斯 4月7日. 1764

你现在怎么样?? 对我来说,我觉得比一小时前轻松多了,舅舅1 haveing given me a more particuliar, 和 favorable account of the Small pox, or rather the operation of the preparation, than I have had before. He speaks greatly in favor of Dr. 珀金斯 who has not, as he has heard lost one patient. 自从他来到城里以后,他经常有机会去拜访医生行医的人家, 他深信自己了解瘟热, full as well if not better than any physician in Town, 和 knows better what to do in case of any dificulty. 与其他几位医生相比,他允许病人在饮食方面有更大的自由. 他们中的一些人(Dr. 主2 for one) forbid their patients a mouthful of Bread. 我叔叔说他们都认为最好不吃黄油, 和 Salt—And most of them from meat.

I hope you will have reason to be well satisfied with the Dr.我劝你只要身体允许,就遵照他的处方去做. I send by my unkle some balm. Let me know certainly what Day you design to go to Town, Pappa 说 Tom shall go that Day 和 bring your Horse back.

Keep your Spirits up, 和 I make no doubt you will do well eno'. Shall I come 和 see you before you go. 不,我不会的,因为我不想再经历今天早晨你离开你的家时我的感受了

A. 史密斯

RC (亚当斯的论文); addressed: “To Mr. John Adams—Braintree.”


从下面的内容来看,这不是棉花塔夫茨,而是哪个 AA's several other uncles this was does not appear.


Not readily identifiable. 他可能是1764年大规模接种计划期间被带到波士顿的许多省级医生之一. Along with over twenty other physicians he was cited, without a first name, 因该镇“慷慨地为如此多的贫困居民接种了免费的天花疫苗并使他们度过了难关”(波士顿 Record Commissioners, 16日报告 , p. 116–117). 也许约瑟夫·洛德是1726年的哈佛学生,当时他住在现在佛蒙特州的普特尼. (Sibley-Shipton, Harvard Graduates , 8:69–74).